La Maison de Sadie is named after Sadie Redlich,

who was both a customer of Kayla’s Beauty Salon and a close personal friend. Sadie was a bold character who took great pride in her Victorian-style home. She and her husband Charles Leon "Dago" Redlich, Jr loved visitors not only for the company but also the chance to show off the original architecture from 1901 and the kitchen that was large enough to cook for their very large family. 

Sadie held a special place in Kayla’s heart. Every Friday before her hair appointment, Kayla would pick Sadie up, buy her a hot fudge sundae, then drive around Crowley and let her talk about her past. Sometimes they would stop at Kayla’s favorite thrift store, The Way to Thrift, and Sadie would sit in the car while friends would visit and pray with her. 

Sadly, Sadie passed away on February 24, 2023. When her house went up for sale, Kayla and her husband Philip didn’t hesitate – they quickly bought her home and began the restoration process. After two painstaking years of sweat and tears, they are proud to open La Maison de Sadie in honor of Mrs. Sadie Redlich. And while restorations are never truly complete, they hope that Sadie is looking down from heaven and is proud of the work they’ve done.